How to Properly Maintain Your EV Battery for Longevity

As electric vehicles (EVs) become more popular, new energy vehicles are increasingly gaining popularity, not only for their eco-friendliness and energy efficiency but also for offering a driving experience that differs from traditional cars.Proper battery maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your vehicle. EV batteries are the heart of the vehicle, and following these maintenance tips can help you maximize your car’s performance and extend its life.

1. Understanding the Basics of EV Batteries

Different brands and models of new energy vehicles have varying battery performance. When purchasing a vehicle, owners should understand the battery performance and usage requirements of their vehicle and use it accordingly. For example, some vehicles support both fast charging and slow charging options. Owners can choose the appropriate charging method based on their needs and schedule.

  • Temperature Sensitivity: EV batteries perform best at moderate temperatures. Extreme cold or heat can negatively impact their efficiency and long-term health.
  • Charging Cycles: Most EV batteries have a limited number of charge cycles. Each full cycle slightly reduces the battery’s capacity over time.

2. Avoid Extreme Temperatures

One of the most important aspects of battery maintenance is temperature control.

  • Avoid Extreme Heat: Parking your EV in direct sunlight or high temperatures can degrade the battery faster. Use shaded areas or garages whenever possible.When a battery operates, it generates a certain amount of heat. If the heat dissipation is inadequate, the battery’s temperature may rise, affecting its performance. Therefore, when driving a new energy vehicle, owners should pay attention to the vehicle’s cooling system and avoid prolonged driving in high-temperature environments. If possible, parking in a shaded area can help cool the battery.
  • Cold Weather Care: During extremely cold conditions, allow your vehicle to warm up before driving to reduce strain on the battery. Cold temperatures can temporarily reduce the battery’s range, so plan accordingly.

3. Optimize Charging Habits

Charging your EV correctly is critical for preserving battery health.

  • Avoid Frequent Full Charges: Continuously charging the battery to 100% can strain it over time. Most manufacturers recommend keeping the battery level between 20% and 80% for daily use.
  • Minimize Fast Charging: While convenient, fast charging generates heat and can degrade the battery faster. Use fast charging sparingly and rely on slower, overnight charging whenever possible.And use slow charging after parking for 30 minutes.
  • Scheduled Charging: Some EVs offer scheduled charging. This allows you to charge your vehicle during off-peak hours, which is cost-effective and reduces strain on the grid.
  • Proper charging equipment: The quality of charging equipment is directly related to the lifespan of the battery. Some substandard charging equipment, due to unstable voltage and current, can damage the battery. Therefore, when selecting a charging station, vehicle owners should choose certified and reputable stations, avoiding the use of low-quality charging equipment.

4. Motor and Electronic Control System

The motor and electronic control system are the core components of a new energy vehicle’s powertrain. Common maintenance measures include:

  • Regularly checking wires and connectors: Ensure connections are secure without any looseness or signs of aging.
  • Waterproofing: Pay attention to waterproofing during rainy seasons and car washes to avoid water entering the motor and control system.
  • Keeping it clean: The motor and electronic control system should be kept free from dust and excessive moisture to prevent heat dissipation issues.

5. Monitor Battery Health Regularly

Keeping an eye on the health of your EV battery is vital for avoiding unexpected issues.

  • State of Health (SOH): Many EVs provide a “state of health” metric, which shows the current capacity of your battery compared to its original capacity. Regularly checking this can help you stay ahead of any significant degradation.
  • Professional Maintenance: Schedule regular check-ups with certified EV technicians to ensure that your battery is functioning properly and there are no issues with the cooling or electrical systems.

6.Suspension and Chassis

  • Inspecting for scratches on the chassis: Since the battery is often installed on the chassis, any scratches on the chassis can affect battery safety, particularly if there is a risk of leakage.
  • Maintaining the suspension system: Regularly inspect the suspension system to ensure smooth vehicle operation and prevent any impact on the battery’s stability and lifespan.

7.Avoid Long Periods of Inactivity, Start the Vehicle Regularly

If new energy vehicles are left idle for long periods, the battery may experience self-discharge, leading to performance degradation. Therefore, even when the vehicle is not in use for an extended time, it is important for owners to start it regularly to keep the battery active. Additionally, it’s crucial to recharge the vehicle periodically to ensure the battery remains fully charged.

8.Using the Air Conditioning System

The air conditioning system in new energy vehicles differs somewhat from those in fuel-powered cars. When using it, be mindful of the following:

  • Adjusting the temperature properly: Avoid frequently adjusting the air conditioning temperature; try to maintain a constant comfortable level.
  • Regularly cleaning the air conditioning filter: Keeping the filter clean improves the cooling and heating efficiency of the system, while also preventing excessive power consumption.

9.Adjusting Driving Habits

Good driving habits can significantly extend the lifespan of a new energy vehicle:

  • Avoid rapid acceleration and hard braking: These not only damage the vehicle but also put stress on the battery. Frequent hard acceleration and braking can cause the battery’s discharge current to spike, which can damage the battery’s internal chemical structure and shorten its lifespan. Therefore, it’s advisable to drive smoothly, avoiding rapid acceleration and braking.
  • Planning your route: Try to avoid frequent short trips and constant starting and stopping to conserve power.

10. Battery Storage Tips

If you won’t be using your EV for an extended period, proper battery storage is important.

  • Store with Moderate Charge: Before storing your vehicle, ensure the battery is charged to around 50%. Storing a fully discharged or fully charged battery for long periods can damage it.
  • Climate Control: If possible, store your EV in a cool, dry place to avoid exposing the battery to temperature extremes.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your EV battery remains in peak condition, maximizing its lifespan and performance.At the same time, we also want to encourage all vehicle owners to not only enjoy the convenience and comfort brought by new energy vehicles but also to pay attention to their maintenance and care, ensuring that these vehicles serve our daily lives even better.

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